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Split and elaborate array into file?

Posted 8 years ago

Good morning, my computer has little RAM, and I would split the array I am using in many files and use them at the right moment ... how can I do? example:

// Original Array

xArray = {{a1, b1, c1, d1}, {a2, b2, c2, d2}, {a3, b3, c3, d3}, ..., {a999, B999, C999, D999}}

// Splits in groups of 3 and saves it to a file

XSplit = 3

xFile1 = {{a1, b1, c1, d1}, {a2, b2, c2, d2}, {a3, b3, c3, d3}}

xFile2 = {{a4, b4, c4, d4}, {a5, b5, c5, d5}, {a6, b6, c6, c7}}

xFile333 = {{a997, B997, c997, D997}, {a998, b998, c998, D998}, {a999, B999, C999, C999}}

// I should make interacting two at a time and save files in other files

xElaborate = Join (xFile1, xFile2) and save files in yFile1

xElaborate = Join (xFile1, xFile3) and save files in yFile2

xElaborate = Join (xFile1, xFile333) and save files in yFile332

xElaborate = Join (xFile2, xFile3) and save files in yFile333

xElaborate = Join (xFile2, xFile3) and save files in yFile334

xElaborate = Join (xFile2, xFile333) and save files in yFile663

xElaborate = Join (xFile332, xFile333) and save files in yFile55278

how can I do?

POSTED BY: Paolo Pellegrini
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