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Create a program that allows users to import pictures for analysis?

Posted 8 years ago

Hello Wolfram community :) I'm making my first program with mathmatica. I'm writing a program intended to be used by the computer illiterate, and I myself am pretty green to programming. The user is going to import pictures for analysis. Does anybody know a command to use the insert file path menu item that I can put in the code? I know about the drag and drop option, but I fear holding a key-combination when importing will complicate things beyond necessity. Secondly I don't believe the user will know where specifically in the code to use the insert file path menu item itself.

I'm still in beta version, I'm hoping to make it a web page eventually; long story short: Input file name -> computation -> output

How does I importing a file liek dis?

POSTED BY: Bill Norman
3 Replies

Here is one possible method:

Row[{FileNameSetter[Dynamic[file]], Dynamic[file]}]
Button["Load file", im=Import[file]]

You can use additional formatting to make the form look nicer than this example.

POSTED BY: Chad Knutson
Posted 8 years ago

In broad strokes yes. That was the instructional video I referenced while writing out my question. I however am using the Wolfram Desktop Developer Platform to code, and it doesn't have that exact command. Like many things in wolfram you can do it different ways. I just want a simple way for my user to import pictures into the software. ty :)

POSTED BY: Bill Norman

Do you mean in the Top menu >> Insert >> File Path... ?

POSTED BY: Moderation Team
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