User Portlet User Portlet

Bowen Ping
Hi Daniel, I'm gald that my package can help you! ---------- As for your question, in this package, you can write the expresssion explicitly to calculate as following: &[Wolfram Notebook][1] Here I use Schwarzschild metric as an...
Maybe You type a wrong expression to calculate? ![enter image description here][1] It seems the only solution is x to infinity. [1]:...
Hi, Brad! This is how to do substitute with alternative H7 and H8. In fact, I think original pair of H7 and H8 is equivalent to the pair of alternative H7 and H8. There are some clues in the following notebook: &[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:...
&[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:
Vertex configuration (3,11,11) can grow forced to 1-super-tile, which is like a "seed". ![enter image description here][1] (The yellow tiles are new, unreflected and brown tiles are new, reflected.) And this vertex configuration shows up as...
&[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:
Further discussion about vertex configurations:
That looks good! Thank you for your help. I'll try late on by myself!
Hi Roland, thank you. When I was programming a package for tensor calculations in General Relativity, I tried to find ways to input multi-superscripts with shortcut Ctrl + 6 to make more readable expressions. Finally I find another way to solve...
I didn't find any algorithm is able to find the normal subgroup corresponding to a quotient group. I think there is a obstacle, which is the normal subgroups and quotient groups do not correspond to each other one by one, i.e. the map is not...