User Portlet User Portlet

Dear Rohit, Many many tx. Best regards, Andras
Dear Christopher, Tx for the kind help, I'm a newbie in Region computing. I'll test it immediately. Best regards, Andras
Dear Neil, Tx for the kind reply. Yes indeed, I would like to mimic a valve, which I close @2000s, and reopen @2500s. This should have the effect, that the fluid levels remain constant in this period, and the fluid flow gets 0. After opening...
Dear Gianluca, Thank you very much, works very nice! It will take me some time to fully understand it, but I'll do my best. Tx and best regards, Andras
Dear Neil and Sergio, Works perfectly :-) Tx for the kind help. This is what I was looking for. Best regards, Andras
Hi Estevao, This is cool and is exactly what I need, tx a lot. My Fortan in- and output is small, so I can process it in Mathematica. I use Fortran, because I do some heavy number crunching, which is faster in Fortran. Many tx once again, best...
Works perfectly :-) Thank you very much. Best regards, Andras