User Portlet User Portlet

Hello Hongyi Zhao, The `ResourceFunction["SaveReadableNotebook"]` was updated recently, and now it has no problem we discussed above: evaluation of ResourceFunction[ ...
Hi Martijn, I reproduce the first problem with *Mathematica* 13.0.0 and 12.3.1 on Windows 10 x64, but not with *Mathematica* 8.0.4 on the same machine. Apparently, it is a regression bug. Please report it to the support. As to the second...
Hi Mark, It works in *Mathematica* 12.3.1 if you specify `"PageGraphics"` as the second argument of `ImportString`: InputForm@ImportString[ExportString[l, "PDF"], "PageGraphics"]
I should note that due to a bug of this forum in the original post all Cyrillic letters are replaced with `?`. In all cases where you see `????` please read it as `ั‚ะตัั‚`. You can find the most recent information on the subject in the original thread...
Hi Robert, The `LinTicks` function you are trying to use is a part of [``"CustomTicks`"``][1] package which itself is a part of ``"SciDraw`"`` package which you can find [here][2]. Read [CustomTicksGuide][3] on how to use it. You can also be...