User Portlet User Portlet

Arinze Eze
Arinze Eze
Aerial Industries Pte. Ltd.
LOCATION: Singapore

I’m Arinze N. N. Eze, an aerospace engineer who's been around the block more times than a confused pigeon. After bagging over 20 years of experience, I think I’ve mastered making robots fly like caffeinated birds and destructive testing by crashing them. I had employment at big-shot companies like Airbus and Bayer, Exhibit A. I'm sure my colleagues would say I spend my days there trying to convince them that flying cars are just around the corner.

I convinced a bunch of smart engineers from the Singapore University of Technology and Design on the ALKONOST project to create aerial robots mimicking birds—because nothing says "innovation" like robots on tons and tons of energy. The H.A.W.K. project generates energy to power a village or a really big toaster, and IPAMS project aims to send drones to Mars, because Earth was getting boring.

I’ve presented papers at UNESCO, appeared on CNN and Al Jazeera, and collected awards like they’re going out of style. My career is about making the world better, one flying robot at a time.