User Portlet User Portlet

Chapin Langenheim
Wolfram Research, Inc.
LOCATION: Champaign, Il
BLOG: Not indicated
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I'm the Editorial Project Coordinator in the Project Management group at Wolfram Research, Inc. I work with many different departments to help bring you websites, videos, and brochures about different aspects of Wolfram technologies. I hold a BFA in creative writing with a focus on publishing, and I love that my job gives me the opportunity to coordinate technical content from incredible developers, scientists, and mathematicians. I used they/them/theirs as my pronouns.

In my spare time as a teenager, I wrote a young adult novel (which was banned after two weeks on the market, which, in my opinion, was a decent compliment). In my spare time these days, I write essays, poetry, and another. I also use Mathematica to prepare stencils for pyrography. If you do plan on using Mathematica for stencils, please, for the love of everything, please print your stencils out and keep your soldering irons and butane torches far away from your computer. I know that's probably obvious, but most people would say that playing with fire is something one should obviously not do, so here we are. Use your printer.