User Portlet User Portlet

UPDATE: I've now [explored this question with ChatGPT][1] which strongly encourages me to use Nested Associations and avoid the Key problem that a List is not Atomic unless I convert the List into a structure that can be Hashed (e.g., ToString) --...
(See Jason Bigg's suggested solution below) My paclet consists of several stand-alone features, each in their own .wl file. But they all rely upon a common set of Reserved Symbols that are to be Protected so that their values cannot be changed. ...
UPDATE : as of 2023-10-03, no complete solution has been found to replace my example (below) in Notation. See cross-posting at [][1]. --- My Medical Researchers very much prefer me to use TraditionalForm for...
Jason -- thank you again for your help earlier! Two more follow on questions relative to the attached notebook with VerificationTests: 1. Is it possible to re-write keyToString so it is Listable and thereby ready for pipelining into Parallelize? ...
This thread is helpful as I have need to setup a private Paclet site on GitHub so that collaborators are able to test daily updates in the Paclet. Is the advice here still current for Mathematica 13.3, or better yet, is there a specific Wolfram Tech...
Eric -- I had not previously considered using `With[...]` with `Plot` -- thank you! But I don't see the "why" of `Plot` requiring the use of a `With[...] ` to evaluate an expression with a temporary variable value, whereas if I substituted...
You are invited to download the [PDF][1] and attempt your Text Recognition approach, but you will quickly see the resolution of the source is not sufficient ... and that there is a dose of non-standard notation too. What I am seeking is to create...
Thank you -- I had not previously appreciated how to use the operator form and now I know!
Given c1 = "ca1", "Cb" -> "cb1", "Cc" -> "cc1"|>; c2 = "ca2", "Cb" -> "cb2", "Cc" -> "cc2"|>; row1 = "a1", "B" -> "b1", "C" -> c1, "D" -> "d1"|>; row2 = "a2", "B" -> "b2", "C" -> c2, "D" -> "d2"|>; Dataset[{row1,...
A helpful guide indeed, thanks! How did you go about developing and running unit tests for your paclet code? For example, is it possible to use Wolfram Workbench Plugin for Eclipse to write Mathematica's [Testing Framework][1] paclet tests? Or is...