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I have the following system dxdt[x_,y_] := a x^2 - b y^3 + c; dydt[x_,y_] := d x^3 - e y^2 + f ; Eqs[x_,y_] = {dxdt[x,y], dydt[x,y]}; JacobianEqs[x_,y_] = D[Eqs[x,y],{{x,y}}] I would like now to add terms to specific elements...
Excellent! Thanks for the explanation
Cool, thanks!
But what if I want to solve for `c` for any values of the parameters? This system does not allow me to do it?
Got it, I was confused on how to use $Reduce$, but I figured it out..
I get an error that I don't understand when I try to replace expressions into the Complex Ginzburg Landau equation. I got the following error Coefficient::ivar: 1 is not a valid variable. >>qManipulate`Dump` I...
Thank you very much for the corrections Nasser! It does though give me a message that this equations cannot be solved with the methods available to `Solve`. But I don't understand from the explanations which of the other functions can solve this...
Any tip on how can I solve $v'(u) + \frac{u}{v(u)} - \frac{u^3}{v(u)} =0$ analytically?
Hello, I am new to Wolfram Mathematica, and I try to work with it to plot bifurcation diagram. The quest is to plot lines that are continous in one range and dashed in another range. The key point is that there is a function that gives me the...