User Portlet User Portlet

Thanks for your answer Daniel. I do have other reasons for being interested in implementing my work in Julia. This isn't a technical issue for me, it is a matter of what is ethically and legally appropriate to do with the Wolfram Language. What...
Thank you for your response, Daniel. At the moment I am using a complimentary copy of Mathematica with the understanding that I contribute to the Mathematica community. If I were to write a successful programmatically generated indexer, I would...
Thank you, that was exactly what I needed.
I noticed I had the entire graph inverted, so the answer was just to use ListLinePlot[Table[{Prime[n], n}, {n, 46}], PlotStyle -> PointSize[Medium]]
Currently the Function Repository has a [tetration][1] function where tetration is defined for the whole numbers. I am completing a new Function Repository entry where tetration is defined for the complex numbers. How should a potential name...
Can Mathematica or one of its sessions set $0^0$ to $1$? I wish to use the combinatoric $0^0==1$ in Mathematica's internal calculations instead of it generating an Indeterminate error. I do know that `Limit[x^x, x -> 0]` is 1.
In [Unifying continuous and discrete physics, Part 1][1] and [Part 2][2] I discuss the significance of fractional iteration in physics. It is also important in extending tetration and the Ackermann function to the complex numbers. The attached...
Thank you Eric, I published all my symbols as you suggested and now the code works.
Thanks Jim and Daniel, having a couple of options is great as I fine tune the software.
Thank you, that was exactly the resource I needed.