User Portlet User Portlet

RandomInstance/GeometricScene make certain nondegeneracy assumptions about inputs. Polygons are always assumed to be simple (no self-intersections), and lines (either explicitly stated by Line/HalfLine/InfiniteLine/etc or implicitly stated by things...
GeometricScene often generates points and scalar parameters, which (along with the points and scalars provided by the user in the first argument) must be given values before the scene will format as a graphical image. Hence if you aren't getting a...
This should work for specifying that a point is not in a polygon, for instance: gs = GeometricScene[{"B", "X", "Y", "Z"}, { t == Triangle[{"X", "Y", "Z"}], SignedRegionDistance[t, "B"] > 0 }]; RandomInstance[gs]...