User Portlet User Portlet

I had a chance to look at this notebook. Unfortunately I can't run the code because I don't have the data files to run with it. I'll note that you will get a better experience if you break up the one large cell into several cells because the...
For simple functions such as Transpose, the Mathemtica help menu provides excellent examples.
I started/wanted to build a program that accesses and expands databases. I thought the new wdf framework sounds ideal. I created a dataset using 'Dataset' and tried to export it as database.wdf. However, Mathematica returns the error "Cannot infer...
This example deploys a notebook. I hope this helps. nbexpr=Notebook[{Cell["Manipulate[Plot[Sin[n x],{x,0,6}],{n,1,10}]","Input"], Cell["Manipulate[Plot[Cos[n x],{x,0,6}],{n,1,10}]","Input"]}]; CloudExport[nbexpr,"NB","Manipulate"]
Thanks!! Worked great!! It is a little more confusing in the cloud than on desktop.
OK, I understand now, thanks!