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Many thanks for your replies. This is the file txt. @Gianluca Gorni, is that the result of the output? how do you print it? Many thanks
Hello, I would like to understand the formula behind the following interpolation and extrapolation done in mathematica in order to convert it in python: K is equal to {27.827, 18.53, -30.417} 0.205 {22.145, 13.687, -33.282} 0.197 ...
Hi GIanluca thank you, and would you know which would be the function that allows me to do the same interpolation from Mathematica to Python? I need to interpolate the first cluster in the parenthesis and the array but I am getting some issues...
I understand, no problem, you did much more that what expected, since there are some codes written from other people I cannot copy and past it as it is, for this reason I tried to modify it a little I will try to find a way to print the results and...