User Portlet User Portlet

I'm working on a sophisticated Numerical Nonlinear Global Optimization problem. The problem is defined as a Least Square Error (i.e. LSE) System. I'm using NMinimize with the Nelder-Mead Method. Mathematica is providing the correct...
I am writing custom Packages. I have two questions: (1) What is the required or preferred filetype for a user-defined package: ".m", ".wl", ".nb", or ".wls"? (2) How do I specify the directory that the package resides in? Attached, I've...
I'm developing an algorithm that will enable me to factor integer numbers using the methods of partial differential equations. Attached I've provided a copy of my Mathematica Notebook factorization algorithm. In this particular case, the...
Hi Rohit: Thanks. This is exactly what I had hope to accomplish. No, there was no particular reason to use RegionPlot, other than, I thought it was the appropriate method. And per you recommendation, I did investigate HatchFilling. For the...
Thanks for the recommendations. First, as pointed out by Dent de Lion: (1) Contours for functions f(x,y) = 0 where f(x,y) >= 0 are always poorly detected Second, I needed to develop a better understanding of the "ContourPlot" function. ...
Is this what you are trying to do: f := (8 x + 2)/7 - (12 x - 3)/5 == -1 Solve[f, x]