User Portlet User Portlet

1. I wonder if it is possible to build a Manipulate object which has multiple 'pages' of 'controls'. This Ould be useful when the user has to input a large amount of inputs and would offer the option to group said inputs thematically. 2. Is it...
Thank you for the link, it is quite informative.
Hi Johan, It has now been four months since the original post was published and I have not hear anything on this topic. Can you give me an update? Thank you, Fulvio
I created the following class: model TestBlock2 import L = Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Interfaces.Logic; Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Sources.Set set(x = Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Interfaces.Logic.'0')...
Hi Doug, When is Workbench 3 going to be released to the user community? Thank you, Fulvio
I was responding to the query related to the error captured in your screen shot. In my case it turned out to be a %Path% problem (missing C:\Windows\System32). Adding “C:\Windows\System32” back to %Path% fixed the problem. %Path% is, of course,...
I am trying to use the Modelica_synchronous library ( the Library loads just fine but when trying to run to 'check' some of the examples I receive a message like: [18] 7:51:03 AM Validation of...