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I have this function g(x=(Arctan(x)^2+arcsin(x/2) I want f'(1) when i derive i get for hand i get the same result as mathematica so correct when i put 1 in f'(x) I get (pi/4)/2+(pi/2)/sqrt(1/4)=pi/2 + pi=3pi/2 i want to check if this is...
For example Sqrt[x] Domain Reals, x=>0 Function can return the same
lets say I have something easy AX=B (matrix) x+2y=10 3x+0y=3 A={{1,2},{3,0}};B={{11},{3}};X={{x}},{y}};Inverse[A].B This solves the system, if i have a bigger system how does the command LinearSolve works, i dont find any example Is...
I have a little bit of trouble here Using Mathematica 10 The question is Let f= ((ln(x)+e^2(x-2))^13 what is f''''''(1) I type in f[x_]:=(Log[x]+E^(2x-2))^13 That works fine Then i type D[f[x],{x,6}] That works fine, but how do I...
I have two problems i put the separata questions I try my best to translate from Swedish to english (attributes? , cant find the word, swedish ; egenskaper) Problem 1. Analyze the function x^4 / (1+x)^2 with focus at extremepoints,...
If i put `Solve[x^3==-I,x]` I get the answer in a+bi form Can I got the polar solutions, and a complex graph where the solutions are? I get that if I put the same command in Wolffram Alpha but i do not get the polar form.
I succed to plot the two functions `Plot[{Cos[x]^2, 1/2}, {x, 0, 2 Pi}, Ticks -> {{0, Pi/2, \[Pi], 2 \[Pi]}, Automatic}]` Can you make mathematica spot in the graf where the function crosses each other? (for a demonstration task)
If you say Plot[Sin[x],{x,0,2Pi}] Can you plot show Pi as a scalle, 1 PI,2Pi....etc?
For example Both `TrueQ[(m^2 - n^2)^2 + (2 m*n)^2 == (m^2 + n^2)^2]` and ` TrueQ[(x + 1)^2 == x^2 + 2 x + 1]` returns False (why? it is true) However `TrueQ[x^2 == x*x]` returns True (of course)
Thanks, it worked! But what does the [[2]] for?