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I am looking to take two rank two tensors and then contract one of the indices with one of the indices of the second tensor to get another rank two tensor, so something like $A_{ij}B_{ik}=C_{jk}$ Could someone advise how I would do this in...
Hi Neil I've made the change you requested. They are different, but I have used the same variable and way of differentiating with other functions and it all seems to have worked fine when you have the derivatives at the end. r = {x, y, z};...
I have a rank 2 tensor obtained by acting with the grad operator twice successively on a function \[Psi], so let's call this tensor \[Psi]2. I then simply want to contract it over its two indices with a vector f such that I obtain a new vector, but...
I am working on writing out some boundary conditions which have a few symmetric trace-free components of tensors in them, for example the symmetric trace-free component of x_i x_j f_k (where x_i and f_k are both vectors), the component of f_i x_j and...