User Portlet User Portlet

Hi again, Let's take it another way. :) How to get random coordinates within a zone of interest of complex shape with a contour. In my case, the zone of interest can be long and skinny, U-Shape like, etc... so a Centroid function would not...
Henrik, Thank you for the example, I got it working fine but while saving the images it doesn't separate them and always returns the entire selected file images (selectedTiles). This is strange as the export work well with any other set of images,...
Thank you for the link. Indeed I am looking at a more simple way than this. Would have thought that having a table with image file names, folder name, class, feature and with all images in folders would help build a dataset. Not all images are jpeg. ...
Patrik, Works fine and very clear. How can I create a function out of your example so I can reuse it later? Do I need to use Module or With? [ a = 6; b = 3; c = 2; d = 1; e = 3.2; ...
Eric, thank you for taking the time to describe in so much details. It works great. Is there any tutorial or book that explains such topics? Did not find any, only short functions but nothing like you propose. Regards Hugh
Ian, got not much luck so far on this request but will let you know should i find something. Hugh