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Rohit, thank you for your help. Unfortunately this did not solve the problem that I was having. Ultimately `inputseq2s = Import["C:/Users/jdd0758/Desktop/WaveformsOnly.txt", "String"];` ended up solving my problem.
Is there a Mathematica function for easily finding differentially abundant features? For example. If I have the following array of feature counts (very simplified): ...
I am drawing a Bar Chart using this code: outlabels={"Label1(1-10)", "Label1(11-20)", "Label1(21-30)"};chartouttable={{1, 1, 1}, {2, 3, 2}, {1, 1, 1}};BarChart3D[chartouttable, ChartLayout -> "Grid", ChartLabels -> Placed[outlabels,...
I figured it out. BarChart3D[{{1, 2, 3, 4}, {4, 3, 2, 1}, {3, 2, 1, 4}}, ChartLayout -> "Grid"]
I figured out how to change the range based on the length of seq1 but I am now working on figuring out how to include the quotation marks as part of the string. The solution that I came up with for the length is: wordseqname = "Lab1"; ...
Thank you both. This is working great now.
I figured this one out. coltot = IntegerPart[Length[seq1]/window]; rowtot = Length[Partition[seq2, window, offsetwindow]]; dist1 = Tuples[{Partition[seq1, window, window], Partition[seq2, window, offsetwindow]}];...
This works well for the example data but my real data is of variable length so the number of columns and rows of the table will also be variable so I will need for the table to expand and contract dynamically based on the input. Thanks you for your...
Partition did the trick. Thank you!
Thank you Neil. I was afraid that might be the case. At one point I was successful in compiling the function after turning it into a module similar to what you have shown but when I tried to compile it, there was an error that said that it was...