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Well, I am trying to write a clever code that looks for a 10-base number $n$ such that: 1. The digit sum of $n$ in base $2$ must be equal to $k$; 2. The [GCD][1] of the $n$ in base $2$ and the integer reverse of the number $n$ in base $2$ must...
Well, I have the following code: Clear["Global`*"]; a =; b =; \[Alpha] =; \[Beta] =; k =; ParallelTable[ If[TrueQ[Length[ Select[PowersRepresentations[n, a, b], DuplicateFreeQ[#] &&...
I have the following code: \[Alpha] = 10^6; L = Total@*Map[Length]; \[DoubleStruckCapitalT][i_, j_] := Binomial[i, j - 1]; L[ParallelTable[ If[TrueQ[ EvenQ[\[DoubleStruckCapitalT][n, k]] &&...
What is the definition of sQ[.]? Now it does not work in my Mathematica.
***Problem: find a 5X5 matrix of distinct integers to the fourth power with identical row and column sums.*** I have the following code: ClearAll[findMat2] findMat2 = Module[{csums = ConstantArray[#, 5], mats =...
***Problem: find a 7X7 matrix of distinct cubed integers with identical row and column sums.*** Well, I have the following code: ClearAll[findMat] findMat = Module[{csums = ConstantArray[#, 3], mats =...
Well, I have the following code: Needs["Combinatorica`"]; x = 3051; threetriples = KSubsets[If[ Length[Select[ Select[PowersRepresentations[x, 3, 2], Times @@ # != 0 &], Length[#] ==...
First of all, thank you very much for your answer. I got no solution, which is not right.
Well, I have the following code: `PowersRepresentations[1000, 5, 2]` and this code gives me 145 solutions. But I want to filter the solutions, in the problem that I am working on the solution involving a 0 or a solution with two or more of the same...
Well, I have the following Mathematica code: n = 857097; x = 100; Solve[{n == n1^3 + n2^3 + n3^3 + n4^3 + n5^3, 1