User Portlet User Portlet

Jason Biggs
I posted a simple answer to your question on stack exchange here ``` myObject /: MakeBoxes[myObject[data_], form_] := With[ {interp = Interpretation[visualRepresentation[myObject[data]],...
All the examples I can find for using region-like primitives as integration regions use Cartesian coordinates rather than polar. So your integral would be written ``` In[95]:= Integrate[Cos[Sqrt[x^2 + y^2]] , {x, y} \[Element] Disk[{0, 0}, 1]] ...
With all due respect the `opts___Rule` method is the *wrong way* to do options. There is a reason we have OptionsPattern and OptionValue. ``` f[x_, OptionsPattern[{"y" -> 1, "z" -> 2}]] := x^2 + OptionValue["y"]*OptionValue["z"] In[128]:=...
I have reported this bug, thank you for bringing it to our attention.
You should contact Wolfram Technical Support and ask directly,
See [How do I enable autosaving in a Mathematica notebook?](
A video has been added to the end of the post.
"ReplaceSubstructure" does reorder atoms because it can handle arbitrary pattern replacements where the number of atoms can change. For the bullvalene rearrangement the pattern and replacement have the same number and type of atoms and attached...
Unless there is a nuance I am missing, you just have to call Needs["MyPackage`ReservedSymbols`"] inside the private portion of the other package files, and that will make every symbol in that context available in the present file, but will...
Either quit the kernel and start a new session or evaluate the following: ``` Remove[FullSimpify] ```