User Portlet User Portlet

Have been using RulePlot to dig into the details of how CellularAutomaton work. I have tried several different ways to apply RulePlot to a higher order rule with s=2. This means that the next state depends on the two previous states, and thus...
Here is a little function that will make a set of orthogonal axes where the first axis is a normalized version of the given axis. makeOrthoAxes[axis_] := Module[{wx, wy, wz}, {wx, wy, wz} = IdentityMatrix[3]; {wx, wy, wz} = ...
For your function F[x], try using LinearModelFit on a set of points on the function. Note F[x] runs much faster with Real input values of high precision compared to fractional values. pnts = Table[{x, F[x]}, {x, N[5/100, ndigits], N[1/4,...
A little function to do this follows: makeCommonDenominators[fractions_] := Module[{comden, numers}, comden = LCM @@ Denominator /@ fractions; numers = fractions*comden; (HoldForm[#1/zzz] /. zzz -> comden) & /@ numers ...
Thanks for the improved solution!
Only true for positive a,b. If a 0 and the left side evaluates. Reduce[Log[a b] == Log[a] + Log[b], {a, b}, Reals] shows the condition
The following also fails in the Cloud NSolve[2.5 x==0,x] Apparently for any numeric coefficient of x.
Running in a notebook on the desktop CopyFile[localpath, CloudObject[cloudname]] will copy the local file to the cloud. Is it possible to deploy a cloud API that accepts a URL for the local file and performs the copy? Something like: ...
I would like to create the equivalent of enter code here fpath=SystemDialogInput["FileOpen"] in the cloud, so that it can choose a file from the client machine for upload. The cloud itself provides such an interface, but I need to make it...
Do you mean also $b\ge0$ and $c\ge0$? Else, for each $a$ there are an infinite number of integer pairs $a,b$. Otherwise you could generate an index set with: t = Flatten[Table[{i, j, k}, {i, 0, 33}, {j, 0, 33}, {k, 0, 33}], 2]; ...