User Portlet User Portlet

I came, saw and won.
Dear All, NumberLinePlot[Callout[Interval[{0, 10}], "0\[LongDash]10"]] does not display the expression "0–10". Any idea for a work around? Best regards, KMS
Dear all, I created a WordCloud with the code attached. When exporting the output as an image (.jpg, .tiff, etc.) it looks fine. However, when exported as a vector file (.eps, .pdf) it appears cropped and with wrong spacing between the characters....
Greetings, please find a short notebook attached in which I present a strange behavior of Dataset[]. This is too "smart" for me to find an explanation. Any idea what is going on here? Thank you for your help, best regards KMS PS....
Thank you for your reply. I will forward the posting as you suggested. Regards KMS
Dear Rohit, Aah o.k. In "An Elementary Introduction ..." Mr. Wolfram tells a somewhat different story. However, thank you for your support. Best regards, KMS