User Portlet
I've always had a feeling that under the various layers of the material world and quantum physics lies a system that governs the motion of everything in the universe. That space is made up of discrete atoms constantly duplicating and reducing, that matter is made up of constituent vertices constantly splitting and merging.
Everything is connected, information is transferred through space and updates each matter particle constituent which themselves have a low level of consciousness/frame of reference, an ability to observe specific realities.
That there are many possible paths that this system can take and our reality is the sum of all paths that fit within the constraints of our observations.
I graduated with a masters in Theoretical physics in 2013 from Queen Mary University of London, I've taught mathematics up to a third year university level and also attended the 2015 wolfram summer school where I really began my detailed investigation into this system.
So I investigate the physically comparable behaviour of a specific system and rules which I call the SERD network. I've been working on it on some time now and despite publishing two papers since the summer school, I feel like I would like to engage more people with this model and get some feedback. I think I either need to put this research to bed, or start collaborating because doing this all on my own feels a bit backwards.
It seems to satisfy relativity, Newton's laws and has a definition of mass as well as many other comparisons, but I'll let the system speak for itself. There maybe some blatantly obvious violations that I have not seen to date. That being said, it's a very interesting dynamic system. I have two papers published so far, one in journal of Cellular Automoata and one in Complex Systems, and I aim to write a third soon on my most recent findings.
Maybe I can make some connections and see what people make of my research on here.