User Portlet User Portlet

I’m in Wolfram Cloud. It lets me select an entire set of output images, and even lets me copy them to the clipboard. For some reason, it isn’t letting me paste them into my new notebook, when I try to simply transfer these output images to a new...
Thanks so much. Ive gotten my graphs to display, using the following code, even with a Do loop, like this: ClearAll[y,x,t,framelist,nextframe] h=1; l=10; v=1; y[x_,t_]=Sum[(8h/(n^2Pi^2))(2Sin[n Pi/4]-Sin[n Pi/2])Sin[n Pi x/l]Cos[n...
I understand Mathematica lets you make a movie, just by selecting all the figures you’ve made, then clicking a button, I think it’s Animate, in the cell menu. I’m specifically wondering, does Wolfram Cloud, basic plan, have some button that lets you...
I was wondering how to convert a Wolfram notebook to a pdf so I can print it? And once its converted, how to access it in Cloud? My progress so far: I have three files, called BesyWay.nb, AnotherWay.nb, AThirdWay.nb. Ive got the system to...
For example, in the instruction, ClearAll[s1,s2,s3] vs, ClearAll[s1, s2, s3] Does mathematica care which one of these two we use?
Trying to make my graphs in a Do loop, just to familiarize myself with another way to do this. I've read that when Return is used with Do, then Do sometimes doesn't give Null. I looked up Return, and they use Return[a], on the examples in the...
I created my graphs using the following code, ClearAll[x,y,t] h=1; l=10; v=1; y[x_,t_]=Sum[(8h/(n^2Pi^2))(2Sin[n Pi/4]-Sin[n Pi/2])Sin[n Pi x/l]Cos[n Pi v*t/l],{n,1,40,1}]; y2=Table[Plot[y[x,t],{x,0,10},...
I read in Wolfram documentation that ClearAll["`*"], clears values and definitions of all symbols in the current context. Not sure what they mean by current context. Does this mean, for example, that y, x, t, h, l, and v, would all be cleared, in...
I'm defining my function y, which is a function of x and t, below, as just y. Mathematica likes that fine, and prints graphs as I want. Below is the code Im using, which Mathematica is fine with: ClearSystemCache[] h=1; l=10; v=1; ...
I've made multiple graphs of my function f[x,t], one for each different value of my variable t. Currently, my graphs are unlabelled. I want to use PlotLegends to label each graph with its corresponding t value. When I try the following code, I...