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I realize the title of this question may seem a bit broad or vague. Indeed, I am looking for a general idea of how to improve the capabilities of an interface, rather than a detailed description. I have a code that solves an engineering problem...
Wow! Thanks! That is amazing. I had tried that before (a while back) and it had not work. It must have been an older version. I think these days I still have 12.0 in one of my computers, but it did work in 13.2. I see that now both Pressure and...
Thanks a lot for the response Jason, this may come in handy. As it often the case, I am not expecting to have a list of numbers ready to pass to the function, it is more like I need to call it from inside a solution loop, but this is very good to...
The code above still seems to miss something. The definition of Tb[z] is 4 times an integral. That integral is 0.999604*solT[0, 0, 1]. solT[0, 0, 1] seems to be identically zero from the boundary conditions. So, Tb[z] seems to be identically...
Thanks a lot Piotr, I will give this a try. Sorry if this seemed kind of a trivial question to post. I tried many things before posting. Hopefully this will be the one. Thanks! Otto