User Portlet User Portlet

Just wanted to alert that as of mid 2023 Google is recommending Flax for new projects instead of Haiku
Hi On a slightly different note, I have a AMD Ryzen Threadripper CPU. I am wondering whether it is possible for Mathematica to use AMD's Optimizing CPU Libraries (AOCL) instead of MKL. Is there an easy way to make this happen?
I have a AMD Ryzen Threadripper CPU. I am wondering whether it is possible for Mathematica to use AMD's Optimizing CPU Libraries (AOCL) instead of Intel's MKL. The link to AOCL is below [AOCL Link][1] Is there an easy way to make this happen? ...
Yes, this would work I believe because the compiler has a default value of 0.0 for f, which it can return when k is not 1 or 5.
Here is what ChatGPT gives for rewriting Hans Milton's answer in terms of a for loop. Eu[func_, xinit_, yinit_, tstart_, tfinal_, h_] := Module[ {x = xinit, y = yinit, outlist, t}, outlist = {{tstart, x, y}}; For[t =...
These are great examples of the diverse uses of the Neural Networks framework. Is it possible to access MXNet's automatic differentiation (autograd) facility from within Mathematica? Automatic differentiation (distinct from Mathematica's symbolic...