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Mathematica has excellent ways to manipulate Sequences. But it has no such methods for dealing with arrays a = RandomInteger[10, {4, 4}]; ReplaceList[a, {___, {e___, x_, y_, ___}, {e1___, x1_, y1_, ___}, ___} /; Length[{e}]...
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small test Range[10] /. fact {1, 2, 3, 8, 15, 48, 105, 384, 945, 3840}
Thanks for HELP I'm thinking is there a general rule TO SOLVE This kind of equation for example f[f[x]]==f[x] __________ f[f[f[x]]]==g[f[x]] ReSolve is a good tool put Cant solve a nest case ill try to make a small code to solve...
I think it's good to use Association rule mining in Data Sciences (Association rule mining is a technique to identify underlying relations between different items). How to use Apriori Algorithm in mathematica ?? ...
Why mathimatica cant solve it ?? Reduce[16 == y^y^y, {y}] Solve[16 == y^y^y, {y}] FindInstance[16 == y^y^y, {y}] WolframAlpha["16=y^y^y"]