User Portlet User Portlet

Hi, is there a way to solve symbolically this equation for t: Solve[HP (-1 + ( LTV (-1 + (1 + r)^t - r (1 + r)^n t))/(-1 + (1 + r)^ n) + (1 + \[Gamma])^t) == 0, {t}, Reals] Knowing that 0
I coudl work with something more like - but I guess I run into the same problem. eq1 = 1 == b*c^m1 + a eq2 = 3/4 == b*c^(m) + a eq3 = 0 == b*c^(0) + a Reduce[{eq1, eq2, eq3}, {a, b, cm}] // ToRadicals which if parametrise for...