User Portlet
I am a research fellow at the Biology Institute of Mexico's national university in Mexico City (though I live in Cuernavaca). Currently I am head of the Botany Department, which houses Mexico´s National Herbarium with about 1.5 million herbarium specimens. Originally I am from Germany, where I studied Biology, before doing my Ph.D. studies at Yale University's School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. During that time in 1992, I started using Mathematica for tree growth modeling and statistical analyses. I have enjoyed it ever since, and it has helped me a lot in developing a number of publications with a focus on applied statistics and mathematics:
Ricker, M., G. Gutiérrez-García, D. Juárez-Guerrero, & M.E.K. Evans. 2020. Statistical age determination of tree rings. PLoS ONE 15(9): e0239052 (20 páginas). []
Ricker, M., & D. von Rosen. 2020. Two proofs and a corrected procedure for the generalized exponential function. IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics 50(2): 279-284. []
Ricker, M. 2019. Solving linear regression without skewness of the residuals’ distribution. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation (14 páginas). []
Ricker, M., & D. von Rosen. 2018. A generalization of the exponential function to model growth. IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics 48(2): 152-167. [file:///C:/Users/Martin/AppData/Local/Temp/RickervonRosen2018AgeneralizationoftheexponentialfunctiontomodelgrowthWITHSUPPORTINGINFO.pdf]
Ricker, M., V.M. Peña Ramírez, & D. von Rosen. 2014. A new method to compare statistical tree growth curves: the PL-GMANOVA model and its application with dendrochronological data. PLoS ONE 9(11): e112396 (15 páginas). []
Gutiérrez-García, G., & M. Ricker. 2012. Climate and climate change in the region of Los Tuxtlas (Veracruz, Mexico): A statistical analysis. Atmósfera 24(4): 347-373. []
Ricker, M., G. Gutiérrez-García & D.C. Daly. 2007. Modeling long-term tree growth curves in response to warming climate: Test cases from a subtropical mountain forest and a tropical rainforest in Mexico. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 37: 977-989. []