User Portlet User Portlet

Mr.Eric Rimbey I have noticed my mistake in the expression of b2={{Range[1,1]},{Range[2,2]},{Range[3,3]}}. The correct is b2={Range[1,1],Range[2,2],Range[3,3]}: b1 = {{1}, {2}, {3}} b2 = {Range[1, 1], Range[2, 2], Range[3, 3]} I...
Thanks for the reply. I have understood that double quoted text endures to be copied and pasted into an input cell when some string inclues character sequnce "\\.". And it works well in the output cell when the input cell is evaluated, as same...
Thank you Veen for your answer. But I have not succeeded yet in the way of using the same Unicode number. In my PC environment, other things to be done may exist due to MM4.1, I think. $CharacterEncoding is "ShiftJIS" in my MM4.1, so I...