User Portlet User Portlet

good morning, how can I assess whether a number is Real and that does not return a result of "Infinity Complex, ... etc ..." I have to run the statement thousands of times, this I have written is extremely slow a={1/0}; xEval[a_] :=...
How can I optimize and speed the following code? $T = 99; $y1 = 31; $y2 = 27; For[$xx = 1, $xx = $y1, Break[]]; $yy = $x1; Do[$xy = $x2; If[$x2 >= $y2, Break[]]; $yy = $x2 , {$x2, 1, $T}] , {$x1,...
OK thanks. to tell the truth, after scoring a software JavaV8, I was trying to make it in Mathematica. the puzzle is integermania Maybe I open a post for the entire project ...
ok, perfect
OK thanks. you may also optimize this? thanks :-) SumLev[k_] := N[IntegerPart[(Max[Floor[k]] + Total[ FractionalPart[k]])*10]/10, 2]; example: k = {3.2, 4.2, 1.9} = Max(3,4,1) + (0.2+0.2+0.9) = 4 + 1.3 = 5.3
Good morning, my computer has little RAM, and I would split the array I am using in many files and use them at the right moment ... how can I do? example: // Original Array xArray = {{a1, b1, c1, d1}, {a2, b2, c2, d2}, {a3, b3, c3,...