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JLink itself works fine without JDK (just checked in vanilla docker image with Wolfram engine 12.3.1). Probably, the topic needs further investigation. Probably you have a stack trace?
Hi everybody! When I start type something like Entity["Co I get a nice list of suggestions for entity types for builtin entities. Is it possible to add my own EntityType to this list?
I've created a notebook containing the following in 12.1pre2 and saved it: f[x_ : 10] := x; f[] Opening in 12.0 works fine. MacOS Catalina. If you will provide an example, I'd be glad to check it in my configuration.
Exactly! This is THE solution. Thank you!
Hello, everybody. Assigning property of an Entity changes the value of a property (or creates a new Entity and even EntityType and registers it in EntityStores). Syntax like assigning to the property seems to be the only documented way to...
I didn't try it myself, but Mathematica supports exporting neural nets in MXNet format. So you (hopefully) can train it wherever MXNet is supported. Of course you're loosing nice features of neural net framework...
Remote kernel strategies does not work in Mathematica 12. It seem that the approach used in the original paper is explicitly blocked -- MathLink`CreateFrontEndLink is now blocked. Moreover, in Mathematica 12 it seems impossible to attach notebook...