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Peter Kacensky
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I am a retired 66 year-old mechanical and quality assurance engineer, having worked in the Aerospace industry for over 30 years. For the last 15 years of my career I worked at Lockheed Martin's Advanced Technology Center in Palo Alto, CA, building telescopes for NASA that were launched into geosynchronous orbit on the NASA GOES satellites in order to study the coronal loops that shoot off the surface of the sun.

I am still an active Enrolled Agent (tax expert) with about 70 clients.

I am an amateur "mathematician" - I use the term loosely - currently trying to find closed forms for the odd positive integer zeta values, a problem I became interested in about 10 years ago. 30 years ago I had read that the great mathematicians Euler and Ramanujan were unable to solve any of the odd positive integer zeta values, so I thought I'd give it a try!

I am using Mathematica to help solve families of unique equations which I have derived. I believe that my equations will produce the most rapidly converging sums for Zeta 3 ever created, and could give insights into a possible closed form for zeta 3.

UPDATE: In the past 2 years, using Mathematica, I am on the verge of finding a possible closed form for Zeta 3. To do so, I need to decipher an infinite product that has a denominator populated primarily with prime numbers to the third power. This number also equals Zeta 3 plus the product of two other infinite series that have closed forms which are well known to the math world. Just a few terms of my equations give Zeta 3 accurate to over 1000 digits.