User Portlet User Portlet

How to use FindMaximum for a list of parameters? In the following code, if I assign single values to z and Rth, it works fine. How do I do the same for a list? ClearAll["Global`*"] a = 310; b = 300; c = 0.1; d = 6; ...
I can solve this for X and Y if I put in numeric values for a,b,c,d,e,f,r,s,z, but I would like to solve for X, Y analytically. Is it possible? The restrictions are: a,b,c,d,e,f,r,s,z,s,X,Y are all positive real numbers, and a>X>Y>b>0. soln...
Is an analytic solution possible for this problem: find an expression for maximum of p subject to constraints f=0, g=0, h=0? The feasible range is: T1, T2, R, Rthhot, Rthcold, and Z>0. I know how to solve it using either FindMaximum or Langrage...