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Very many thanks Gianluca. I probably would not have got this far without your help. I have now got what I need, it'll now just take some fine tuning of positions to drop it into my larger model. wedge1[turnit_] := With[{\[Theta] =...
Thanks for your posts, yes have seen the headline radial demo it and it was in fact the inspiration for something to use as an educational display in a museum, next to some WW1 aeroplanes/engines, in fact I confess that I learnt most of what I know...
Hi all, I am building the attached "stripped down" demo of a rotary engine, but am seemingly "going round in circles" trying to get the geometry right. There are two axes of rotation, the case and cylinders at {0,0,-1} and the crankhub with conrods...
Good people, see attached PDF, could anyone out there comment on how I could possibly get from the enclosed code to the image produced on page 2. I have been trying to adapt the radial engine demo to a rotary engine, so accept that some variable and...
Thanks, you may also want to look at examples in another post that I recieved.
Just out of the eval' period, so I bought my licence today. I am trying to extend Yu-Sung Chang's excellent radial engine demo' to put a propellor on the front and would also like to then adapt that to create a rotary engine demo, possibly using both...