User Portlet User Portlet

Frank Rice
Frank Rice
California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
LOCATION: Pasadena, CA
WEBSITE: Not indicated
BLOG: Not indicated

I started at Caltech as a graduate student in Physics in 1996; my research mainly involved the design of millimeter and submillimeter wavelength, superconducting, heterodyne detectors and the associated electronics for use in astronomical and planetary telescope spectrometer systems. I was hired by Caltech in 2001; in addition to research, I've taught experimental physics and analog electronics circuit design at all levels (sophomore thru graduate).

I started using Mathematica with version 2.0 quite some time ago!

Before coming to Caltech, I spent many years as a U.S. Navy fleet aviator flying single-seat jet aircraft from ships at sea. Becoming a Navy test pilot, I piloted over 30 different types and models of aircraft: everything from modern, supersonic fighters to sail planes and helicopters to WWII-era fighters and bombers.

My other former or current jobs of note include newspaper deliverer, MacDonald's fry cook, swimming pool lifeguard, husband, father, cat and dog owner, and amateur philosopher of science and mathematics (but aren't we all?).

BA in Physics, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL; MS in Aeronautical Engineering, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey CA; MS and PhD in Physics, Caltech, Pasadena, CA.