User Portlet User Portlet

The problem seems to persist regardless of the choice of raster size, image size, or without calling Rasterize[] at all.
You can use Mathematica's RegularExpression[] to find matches and replace them: input = " width=\"1234\" height=\"3456\" width =\"1234\" height=\"3456\" width = \"1234\" height =\"3456\" width=\"1234\" ...
Thanks for the suggestion, Ilian. Prime95 didn't crash my machine, but resetting everything in the BIOS to defaults does seem to have resolved the issue! Thanks everyone for helping me figure this out.
I've got a package that takes 10-15 seconds to initialize when I include it:
That is standard matrix multiplication, which you can do with the dot operator in Mathematica. Since the inner indices are summed over in matrix multiplication, you have to transpose A first. Transpose[A].B or, if you want to show the...
It looks like "Mean" is applied to the red, green and blue channels separately. "MeanIntensity" seems to be consistent with taking the mean of pixels values for the grayscale image. ![enter image description here][1] [1]:...
Thank you for the reply, but I'm interested in more than just convex polyhedra. PolyhedronCoordinates[] is useful, but without a way to access the list of face indices for the polyhedron, I can't seem to convert a general polyhedron to a mesh.