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Thank you for the reply. And yes, the choice of entry in ans list with 1 will vary each time it's run. it might be 6 now in this example, but it might be a1 that's given 1. So I need a general way to choose the elements if they're given the value of...
Ok Will watch where I post the questions to. I figured those groups would be relevant since it deals with converting data from excel into mathematica and using the data to maximize which a lot of those disciplines have experiences in. But I'll keep...
I'm trying to generate a list containing the 0s and 1 or 1s to dot product with various columns of data. (2 columns actually, ffpg points and salary for fantasy football) By mutiplying the zeros, i can null out the all the values except the chosen...
Thank you the reply. But that permutation done on the actual list of 42 elements choosing 3 elements at a time only did generate the lists, but upon trying to turn it into an array using the diagonal matrix crashed the computer. I might have to...
I've made a post about CFB fantasy football maximization problem a few days ago, and since then I've managed to import the csv into the mathematica as an array. And now I'm having problems learning to operate on the lists that form the imported...
Ok maybe I ought to just ask this way. There are following lists (columns) that form the array (n x m) shown in that excel sheet. (The length n of this array varies every week as the number of games and players chosen differ) 1. Play list which...