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The result from the code below is correct but the display of the output is (to me) odd. Here is the code: clear[A, B]; J[x_, t_] := \[HBar]/m Im[Conjugate[\[CapitalPsi][x, t]]*(\!\( \*SubscriptBox[\(\[PartialD]\),...
Thanks. That seems to work. I was hoping for a global definition of the condition but it really makes little difference. Any chance you know the answer to the second question ;)? PS - it works for me with or without the change of notation of...
Thanks for the comments. It comes down to how Mathematica treats the solution. bs1 = 1/Sqrt[2] ( { {1, 1}, {1, -1} } ) state = ( { {\[Alpha]}, {\[Beta]} } ) By introducing Flatten when...
Thank you, it has certainly got me started. The final plot is pretty much what I am looking for (without the reversal).
Have always liked Steely Dan :)
Thanks. Refine works as hoped for. Using Expand, rather than PiecewiseExpand yields the same result.