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Found! Thanks anyway! x := 1.61; Count[MapThread[GreaterEqual, {x - Offs, Table[0, Length[Offs]]}], True]
$Assumptions = {m > 0, s > 0, kg > 0} Z[x_] := Sqrt[R[x] K[x]] // Simplify; Cleaner Thanks again
Found! BHJ = Table[ T[r[[p + 1]], r[[p]], x[[p + 1]] - x[[p]], 10], {p, 1, 2}] Apply[Dot, BHJ] // MatrixForm Thanks
Hi, sorry for the dumb question (I'm still studying). I have an array of dates like Dates={"2020-02-24T18:00:00", "2020-02-25T18:00:00", "2020-02-26T18:00:00"} I would like to convert all of them to a specified format. If I write ...