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BTW, `For` is different than `Do` or `Table`. Both of those automatically locally scope, AFAIK. ``` i = -1 test[] := Do[Print[i], {i, 5}] test[] i ``` will print ``` -1 1 2 3 4 5 -1 ```
I haven't tried `Monitor`, that could be better, but as another option I've been using my own little function for that forever: ``` pdr[expr_, symbols_List : {}, interval_ : Infinity] := PrintTemporary[ Dynamic[Refresh[expr, TrackedSymbols...
I'm pretty sure it's the `Subsets` that really slows that down, I think that would try (and presumably fail) to create a list in memory of $10^{12}$ pairs, if you're using a set with a million numbers. Anyway, depends how fast you're looking for....
I know this is an open question, but I wanted to run down a few arguments on it. [Rule 30][1] is a well-known [ECA][2]. Wikipedia has a fine introduction to that topic if you're unfamiliar. Here's a 60-second version of the mechanism: 1. Let $s_0...
Does anyone know of or is able to track down a 2-color, 1-D cellular automaton admitting an aperiodic initial configuration and a ruleset that is asymmetrical, and which has at least one (but not infinitely many) columns that are periodic or...