User Portlet User Portlet

I have a few questions about series expansions of a particular and difficult type of polynomial written in terms of two summations signs. **It should be remarked that I have also read Mathematica's documentation and previous posts on the Wolfram...
I have elementary questions about the construction of phase portraits and limit cycles using Mathematica. **It should be remarked that I have also searched and read previous discussions from Mathematica Forum. In addition, I have read...
Hi Daniel Lichtblau. I hope you are doing well. Your answer is perfect! That's exactly what I was thinking. Thank you so much!!!!
I am interested on the phase portrait of linear and nonlinear differential equations using Mathematica. In particular, I want to plot the phase portrait of the following differential equations: $\displaystyle\frac{dx_{1}}{dt}=-3x_{1}+2x_{2} $, ...
Thanks for your comments. Your code is quite interesting.
Thanks for commenting! On account of your observations, I will investigate these expressions further.