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I can't plot it with line style as showed
Consider the following code: Integrate[F[t]*DiracDelta[(x - c)*(y - d)]*Sin[(Pi*m*x)/a]*Sin[(Pi*n*y)/b], {x, 0, a}, {y, 0, b}, Assumptions -> Element[{a, b, c, d}, Reals]] I need to do the calculation on, but not the results, Hope...
I'm having trouble plotting the Poincare Map with W [t], W '[t] . Hope you help.
Consider the following code: U[t] + 3 U[t]^2 + 6 V[t] + 3 V[t]^2 + 5 W[t] + 2 W[t]^2 + 4 U[t]*V[t] == 2 U'[t] ; 6 U[t] + 3 U[t]^2 + 3 V[t] + 4 V[t]^2 + 8 W[t] + 4 W[t]^2 + 3 U[t]*V[t] == V'[t]; 5 U[t] + 3...