User Portlet
July 5, 2019
I believe I've been developing a new kind of math by thinking of a neatly packaged math asset as a tool to construct by having "a poet's conversation" with Nature, similar to the act of designing an adjustable end wrench or an Aeropress or some other less abstract invention:,
Here's my math applied to a Numberphile challenge:
I've come into math circuitously, though I'm not the only lawyer mathematician around.
Many years ago, I worked with musical rights securities law at ole Media Management (now called Anthem Entertainment) when it was still a startup. I also focused on copyright and entertainment law during my time studying at Western Law.
Given my experience at ole, I saw how, for intellectual property assets at least, lawyers are the very beginning of the information supply chain. I also saw how lawyers usually don't concern themselves with how that information flows from their position onto the next. Rather, lawyers let the next supply position (usually not as well-informed) wholly define how the information it receives is parsed and transmitted.
So, I've set out to see what's possible if lawyers focus on being the start of the information supply chain and leverage their skills in this practice as much as possible by, for instance, designing contracts as API servers that can ongoing communicate with various parties and automatically integrate into various unified legal libraries.
Indeed, it's possible for lawyers to draft "living contracts" (contracts-as-evolving-runtimes) that convey legal information with: (1) the precise definitions of programming languages; and (2) the down-to-the-letter parsability of data tree structures. In my opinion, living contracts have the potential of much better meeting consensus ad idem requirements than modern jurisprudential document technology.
However, it takes a new kind of programming syntax to make these living contracts. This syntax requires a math definition of code as "perpetually non-halting data" and a math definition of data as "perpetually halted data" to efficiently use verb-noun proximity. As such, I've come up with Power Law Geometry.
I very much hope this community can appreciate my work and take it in beautiful and unexpected directions without me. Regardless, through MathWorld and Wolfram Alpha, this community has already deeply influenced my work and I'm forever grateful. Thank you!
Sincerely, Kyle