User Portlet User Portlet

Fred E Szabo
Concordia University
LOCATION: Montreal
WEBSITE: Not indicated
BLOG: Not indicated

I have been a passionate user of Mathematica for over twenty years. Wolfram Technologies provide me with access to the computable universe and make me look good as a teacher and inspire my students.

Last year I received a Wolfram Innovator Award for my work with Mathematica in the classroom. As a result of my efforts and with the support of my friends at WR I was able to obtain a university-wide site license for Mathematica for Concordia University. We are now a Mathematica shop.

My current activities involve the writing of a LINEAR ALGEBRA SURVIVAL GUIDE: ILLUSTRATED WITH MATHEMATICA AND WOLFRAM ALPHA. I am planning to change the way we teach and students learn linear algebra. The book is based on work I did over ten years ago and will be published by Elsevier Academic Press in Boston.

I am looking forward to using Wolfram Technologies for many years to come and will continue to support is as the lingua franca for human thought way beyond the sciences. i am a proud member of the Wolfram Community.