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Housam Binous
University of Carthage
BLOG: Not indicated
Dr. Housam Binous earned a Diplôme d’ingénieur in biotechnology from the Ecole des Mines de Paris and a Ph.D. in chemical engineering from the University of California at Davis. His research interests include the applications of computers in chemical engineering.
- Homsy's isothermal laminar flow reactor with Prandtl-Eyring fluid
- Membrane area calculations of a single-stage gas permeation module
- Multicomponent gas separation using a cross flow permeation model
- Multiple reactions in a continuous stirred-tank reactor with heat effects
- Accurate approximation of collision integrals using Neufeld's empirical equations
- PI control of a heater: a comparison with Simulink results
- Fogler's isothermal laminar flow reactor solved using the Chebyshev orthogonal collocation technique
- PI control of three CSTRs in series
- Vapor-liquid and liquid-liquid equilibrium computations of a partially miscible binary system
- Fogler's adiabatic laminar flow reactor
- Velocity profile for laminar flow of Bingham fluids using orthogonal collocation
- Velocity profile for laminar flow of dilatant and pseudoplastic fluids using orthogonal collocation
- The glycolytic oscillator mechanism
- Cooling by a cylindrical pin fin
- Mass balance in the Haber process
- Residue curve map for the ternary system: Chloroform - Acetone - Benzene
- McCabe-Thiele Graphical Method for a Non-Ideal Binary Mixture
- Pinch Composition versus Reflux Ratio for a Benzene-Ethylenediamine Mixture at 1 atm
- Batch Rectification of a Quaternary Mixture using NDSolve
- Batch Rectification of a Ternary Mixture using NDSolve
- Residue Curves Computed using Wolfram Language versus their Counterparts by Aspen-Properties
- Moody Diagram versus Colebrook - White Equation using Arc-Length Continuation
- Non-Isothermal Effectiveness Factor using Chebyshev Orthogonal Collocation & Arc-Length Continuation
- Ponchon-Savarit Diagram using Aspen-Hysys Thermodynamic Database
- Study of the separation of simple binary and ternary mixtures of aromatic compounds
- Enthalpy versus composition diagram for n-Hexane/n-Octane at 101.325 kPa
- Ponchon-Savarit Diagram for the Methanol-Water Binary Mixture at Atmospheric Pressure
- Dynamics of a Five Equilibrium Stages Extraction Cascade with Solvent Recycle
- Residue Curve Map and Bubble Temperature Distribution for MTBE Chemistry at 8 atm
- Temperature control of a water tank
- Impulse response of two tanks in series
- P and PI control of two tanks in series
- Free convection past a vertical flat plate
- Introducing non-Newtonian fluid mechanics computations in the undergraduate curriculum
- Homotopy Continuation Method to Find All Root of a Polynomial Equation
- Ponchon Savarit graphical equilibrium stage method
- McCabe-Thiele method for an ideal binary mixture