User Portlet
I am a high school student at Columbia Prep in New York City. I have been programming in Mathematica since December 2014 and it is one of my favorite activities. During the summer of 2015, I participated in the Mathematica Summer Camp in which I furthered my knowledge of Mathematica. I have been in the Wolfram Mentorship Program in which I work on projects under the guidance of my mentor, Todd Rowland, since September 2015 and am still in it. I have done research into the problem of equally spacing n points on a sphere and I am currently developing videos to teach Mathematica to students in a fun way. I also now am very interested in Machine Learning and have made a question classifier with Mathematica that is very accurate. I also am currently doing research at the NYU Data Science Center with Professor Dennis Shasha into Machine Learning and Computational Biology.
Here is my 3D Snowflake Fractals Demonstration:
Manipulate[ Graphics3D[{ If[shape == "cubes", box = Cuboid[{0, 0, 0}], box = Scale[Sphere[{0, 0, 0}], 1/2] ]; flake = {box, Translate[Scale[box, scaleFactor], {scaleFactor/2 + .5, 0, 0}], Translate[box, {scaleFactor/2 + .5, scaleFactor/2 + .5, 0}], Translate[box, {scaleFactor/2 + .5, 0, scaleFactor/2 + .5}], Translate[box, {2*(scaleFactor/2 + .5), 0, 0}], Translate[box, {scaleFactor/2 + .5, -(scaleFactor/2 + .5), 0}], Translate[box, {scaleFactor/2 + .5, 0, -(scaleFactor/2 + .5)}]}; Table[ flake = {flake, Translate[ flake, {(scaleFactor/2 + .5)* scaleFactor^x, (scaleFactor/2 + .5)*scaleFactor^x, 0}], Translate[ flake, {(scaleFactor/2 + .5)*scaleFactor^x, 0, (scaleFactor/2 + .5)*scaleFactor^x}], Translate[flake, {2*(scaleFactor/2 + .5)*scaleFactor^x, 0, 0}], Translate[ flake, {(scaleFactor/2 + .5)* scaleFactor^x, -1*(scaleFactor/2 + .5)*scaleFactor^x, 0}], Translate[ flake, {(scaleFactor/2 + .5)*scaleFactor^x, 0, -1*(scaleFactor/2 + .5)*scaleFactor^x}], If[shape == "cubes", Cuboid[{Total[scaleFactor^# &@Range[0, x, 1]] , 1/2 - scaleFactor^(x + 1)/2, 1/2 - scaleFactor^(x + 1)/2}, {Total[scaleFactor^# &@Range[0, x, 1]] + scaleFactor^(x + 1), 1/2 - scaleFactor^(x + 1)/2 + scaleFactor^(x + 1), 1/2 - scaleFactor^(x + 1)/2 + scaleFactor^(x + 1)}], Sphere[{Total[scaleFactor^# & /@ Range[0, x]] + scaleFactor^(x + 1)/2 - 1/2, 0, 0}, scaleFactor^(x + 1)/2] ] }, {x, 1, level - 1} ]; If[shape == "cubes", flake, Translate[flake, {1/2, 1/2, 1/2}]] }, ImageSize -> 450, Axes -> False, Boxed -> False, ViewAngle -> 20 Degree, SphericalRegion -> True], Row[{ Spacer[20], Control@{shape, {"cubes", "spheres"}}, Spacer[20], Control@{{level, 3}, 1, 5, 1, ControlType -> Setter}, Spacer[20], Control@{{scaleFactor, 2, "scale factor"}, 1, 5, 1, ControlType -> Setter} }], TrackedSymbols :> {shape, level, scaleFactor}, ContinuousAction -> False ]