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Export LAB data to a PDF file with the Export command?

Posted 8 years ago

I have very simple sample code that creates a small table of LAB values that I want to export as PDF. After opening in Acrobat, I'm using PitStop Pro to interrogate the image. PitStop confirms it's an RGB image, not a Lab image. I'm I doing something wrong, or does Mathematica 10.3 only export to Device color spaces?

Image[{{{25, 0, -5}, {25, 0, -4}, {25, 0, -3}, {25, 0, -2}, {25, 
    0, -1}, {25, 0, 0}, {25, 0, 1} {25, 0, 2}, {25, 0, 3}, {25, 0, 
    4}, {25, 0, 5}}}, "Byte", ColorSpace -> "LAB"]

Export["TestLABPDF001.pdf", %]
POSTED BY: Matthew Smith
Posted 8 years ago

I am also interested in a solution. Thank's in advance

POSTED BY: Marie Clin
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