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Find primitive polynomials or test if a polynomial is primitive?

Posted 8 years ago

How can I find primitive polynominals or test if a polynominal is primitive using Wolfram? For a LFSR (Feedback Shift Registers) I need primitive polynominals to construct feedback shift registers with the maximum period. For irreducible polynominals there is the IrreduciblePolynominalQ function or the factor function.

POSTED BY: Hans-Werner M
2 Replies

One approach would be to wait (I'm serious) for version 11.1: it has a new function PrimitivePolynomialQ. Or you can crib code from this MSE thread or this older MathGroup thread.

POSTED BY: Daniel Lichtblau
Posted 8 years ago

Thank you for your answer. I've also tried GNU Octave (Function Primpoly), but Octave supports only polynominals with orders less 22. I don't know what Matlab has to offer. Till now, I haven't understand the mathematics to do the calculations by hand. Is it possible to calculate the period of a LFSR with a given polynominal if it is not primitive ? Or is this possible only by simulation ?

POSTED BY: Hans-Werner M
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